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So if you’re undecided about which type of program you may need for your art practice and you want to sample some art software without spending money, there are some brilliant programs that rival the expensive paid for apps.

In this review, we’ll compare all the free digital art software options. We’ll also show you how the features and functionality shapes up to the paid for industry standard programs.

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Disclaimer: Fine Art Tutorials is a reader supported site. When you make purchases through links on this site, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Apps For Artists And Art Lovers

Pros: powerful image editor with a wide range of features, easy to use once you get familiar with the basics, easier to learn than Photoshop, wide range of plugins and extensions available, can be used for digital painting, open source

Cons: user interface can be confusing at first, not as many features as some of the paid for programs, no phone or tablet app available.

GIMP is a powerful image editor that offers a wide variety of features and tools. Use it for photo editing, web designing, graphic design and digital painting. The Adobe photography bundle which includes Photoshop, Lightroom and the Photoshop app for iPad costs just under $10 per month. So by using GIMP, you will be saving that extra cost.

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Beginner artists may need to take some time to learn the user interface. However, once you grasp the basics of the layout, it’s easy to master.

It’s compatible with OSX, Linux, Windows and GNU. The document files are also compatible with PSD, so if you create artworks in GIMP and later decide to invest in a Photoshop subscription, you will be able to edit these files in Photoshop.

There are also a wide range of plugins and extensions available to add even more functionality. For example, G’MIC is a plugin that comes with over 200 filters, so you can edit and colour correct artwork and photographs with incredible flexibility. There is also a heal selection plugin, which automatically fills sections you want to remove.

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Another great feature of GIMP is that it has a batch processing functionality. This means that you can apply the same set of edits and operations to multiple images.

Krita is a powerful and promising free digital art software program that’s been gaining popularity in recent years. It was specifically designed for digital painting and drawing. The software includes a wide range of features and tools that allow artists to explore their creative potential and create professional artworks. Artists can use Krita to create animations, digital paintings, concept art and illustrations.

The features of Krita are extensive, with a large brush pack, layers and masking, the ability to group layers and create vector artwork.

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The user interface is very straightforward and easy to use. You can also customise the workspace to better suit your needs, this means that you can load particular workflows to suit different projects.

Krita allows artists to save their work as .tiff files. So if you want to make prints of your artwork, Krita is a great choice of software.

Krita is another open source software and you can download plugins to increase the versatility of the program. Download new brush packs, texture packs and user made python plugins. For example, you can download a plugin to generate comic panels, upload videos to the program to use as animation frame references and much more!

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Adobe Fresco is a digital drawing and painting app that works on tablets, phones, touch and stylus devices. It is also available on Creative Cloud Desktop Windows and Surface Pro devices.

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The program is available as part of a freemium model, so the free version has fewer tools and features than the paid for version. However, if you want to get the premium version, you can buy it as part of a number of the Adobe plans. If you subscribe to the Fresco single app plan for $9.98 per month, the Adobe Photoshop plan, or the Creative Cloud full plan.

The software includes a wide variety of brushes, including traditional media, live brushes that react to water and pressure and vector brushes. The latter are especially useful for line art, logos and illustrations.

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Fresco also has a number of features that make the digital painting process feel as close to traditional painting as possible. For example, you can use the app to add texture to your paintings by scanning in papers and fabrics. You can also create your own custom brushes by recording the gestures you make with your stylus or finger.

When you combine Adobe Fresco and Photoshop, you will have access to many more features, like merging photos, retouching artwork, adding text and layers. The premium version allows artists to animate their drawings.

There are a number of features that are not available in the free version of Fresco. The main drawback is that you can’t work in high quality, or export PNG or PSD images. Also around half of the brushes aren’t available in the free version.

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Inkscape is a vector graphic editor that digital artists use for a wide variety of design tasks such as web designing, logo design, illustrations and cartoons.

It’s a free and open source software that can be likened to Adobe Illustrator, in that it supports vector graphics. Use nodes to edit paths, clone objects, apply and edit gradients. Overall the path and shape tools have similar functions in both Illustrator and Inkscape, but Illustrator offers more brush effects.

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If you are an aspiring graphic designer who wants to learn how to create vector graphics, like logos or illustrations without paying the premium for Adobe, downloading Inkscape would be a great way to get to grips with vector image design. The tools are easy to learn and arguably easier to learn than Illustrator. Therefore it would be an excellent program to practice making more complex designs.

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The main downside of Inkscape, is that it doesn’t support CMYK colour mode. This means that you won’t be able to make documents for print. However, if you’re looking for a program to use for digital work such as logos, web assets, typography and more, it is a great option.

With Adobe Illustrator, you can create any type of vector graphics you want for web or for print, as it supports CMYK colour mode. Save your Inkscape file as an SVG and export as a .tiff, webp, png and more.

Paint.NET has a lot of features and tools that would suit beginner digital artists. Digital artists can use it for photo editing, web designing, graphic design and digital painting.

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Draw and edit sections of your image with layers, and use a number of photography tools to alter the colour profiles of an image. Apply filters, use the clone stamp tool to sample areas of the image, clean up particular sections and remove red eye in portraits. Create gradients, text and use drawing tools to paint directly on the canvas.

This is a user friendly free digital art software that is less intimidating for beginners compared to more complex programs like GIMP. Artists can use the program straight away without much training. It’s possible to watch a YouTube video or two and figure out the toolbar intuitively for creating basic designs.

Paint.NET does have some advanced features that are on par with GIMP. For example, you can use the curves tool to make global and local adjustments to the tone and colour of an image, much like you would in Photoshop.

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Although the program doesn’t offer quite as many features or plugins as GIMP, it is a great free alternative for anyone starting out in digital art who doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by too many tools.

Autodesk Sketchbook has a free option with a fairly limited set of features. However, it’s still a great program for digital drawing and painting.

The user interface is very clean and simple which makes it great for those who want to get straight into their artwork without fussing about with too many settings. Choose from a variety of preset brushes or create your own, use the symmetry tool to create perfectly balanced drawings and paintings.

The Best Free Digital Art Software: Reviewed

This program also has a perspective tool that artists can use for sketching buildings or landscapes. If you want to take your sketches further, there is also the option to add layer effects.

Artweaver offers a basic version of their software for free. It’s a great raster program for sketching, drawing and painting, however the features are more limited than the premium version.

The tools in the program emulate traditional painting media, choose from brushes, pens, pencils. You can even make calligraphy lettering effects by using the calligraphy tool.

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If you’ve used any digital art tool before, Artweaver will be easy to navigate and get to grips with. Along with the industry standard image editing tools, Artweaver offers layer groups, blend methods, transparency and an exciting array of brushes to experiment with. Customise the program with the addition of plugins, or customise your workspace to suit your workflow.

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Sketchpad is a free digital art software program that is specifically designed for digital painting and drawing and includes a

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This isn’t a new story but it is one that refuses to die. The thorny question of what constitutes ‘correct’ grammar in English seems to have a cyclical life, aided and abetted by new generations of enthusiastic grammarians.

It’s great that so many people are engaged with their own language, but we sure can be judgmental about it. No other subject seems to make us feel quite so insecure (or on the flip side, overly superior) about something which really belongs to us all—the way we naturally speak our native language.

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To boldly split an infinitive, to make less (or fewer) mistakes ending in prepositions than others are wont to – these so-called ‘crimes’ against proper language use have been repeatedly cited as obvious evidence of (other people’s) stupidity and lack of education, amongst other, weightier moral judgements. Passionate reactions range from simply getting “annoyed”, “cringing” to “making my blood boil” according to public comments made to the BBC, erstwhile bastion of good English.

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What’s going on here? How is it that so many people, innocently speaking their own native tongue from birth, are accused of using it incorrectly? Is this really an epidemic of biblical hyperbole, signifying the death of the English language in these sadly degenerate modern times? Are we all going to start txt-speaking 2 each other in the last throes of its life??

On closer inspection, it seems the English language has been dying in fits and starts for hundreds of years, simply through its own evolution. Linguists would agree that there

It is indeed important to learn the accepted linguistic conventions of the standard dialect for reasons of communication, clarity and even persuasive style. But it happens to be a historically privileged dialect.

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It is indeed important to learn the accepted linguistic conventions of the standard dialect for reasons of communication, clarity and even persuasive style. But it happens to be a historically privileged dialect and is not inherently linguistically better than other, non-standard dialects of English. Even if you don’t buy this linguistic fact, like all dialects, even ones you may perceive to be ungrammatical, there are rules which reflect how speakers actually use the language. These rules are not formed by some invisible authority on high, never to be questioned, ever.

These are “the modern truths about language: language changes constantly; change is normal; spoken language is the language; correctness rests upon usage; all usage is relative.” Ultimately native speakers are the ones who decide what is standard language, based on their own accepted use. There are conventional styles and discourse registers that are appropriate in some contexts and not others. Most people have a linguistic hobby horse or two (I have a whole stable of them myself) and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that—as long as we acknowledge that often these conventions are subjective and not forever fixed universal rules of language that define a person’s intelligence. In the same way, you may also find skinny jeans problematic as an item of fashion but plenty of people are still definitely wearing them as pants.

Along with existing linguistic conventions that reflect how speakers talk, that may change as the language evolves,  it might surprise you to know there are also these so-called ‘make believe grammar’ rules—those rules that do

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What of those grammar rules that were entirely dreamt up in an age of moral prescriptivism, reflecting nothing of historical or literary usage, to encourage the poor English language to be more like an entirely different (and entirely dead) language, namely Latin? Wait, which rules are those? It seems pretty crazy but the popular grammar rules familiar to most of us may in fact be completely fake and have no basis in linguistic reality. The English language didn’t change to make those rules obsolete, they were simply fictional from the start.

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In 1909,  Gertrude Buck’s paper ‘Make Believe Grammar’ stated that “nearly all of our so-called English grammar is mere make-believe grammar. […] Our early grammarians, we allege, turned away their eyes from the facts of English speech and gave us rules drawn by analogy from the usages of the Latin tongue. […] the old fashioned dogmatism of grammarians as to how people “ought” to speak is too commonly based on ignorance of the idiomatic peculiarities of our own language, of the past history of certain forms, or of present customs of speech outside a very limited circle”. Nevertheless, Buck optimistically believed that “‘make-believe grammar’ of the type so far discussed in this paper has fallen into disrepute. There seems little room for doubt that it will eventually, and at no remote period, be superseded in every detail by a grammar which bases itself unequivocally upon the facts of the English tongue as English.”

They’re totally made up grammar myths, that somehow gained a superficial, high prestige status among the public and are repeated as fact ad nauseam.

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Here are the plain facts: many of these pop grammar rules, that are still seriously taught in schools and universities and even promoted (and inevitably violated) in style guides, were magically pulled out of thin air by a handful of 18th and 19th century prescriptive grammarians. They’re totally made up grammar myths, that somehow gained a superficial, high prestige status among the public and are repeated as fact

. Often these rules were modeled on an aspect of Latin, perceived to be a more ‘pure’ language than English, and went against actual historical and literary usage. In many cases the rules made communication more stilted and less clear (and promoted humorous syntactic constructions up with which I will not put). Some rules may even have started as merely an offhand expression of an individual grammarian’s opinion, before it somehow became ensconced in the public consciousness as a hard and fast grammar rule. The split infinitive, not ending a sentence with a preposition, the ongoing confusion with less vs fewer or use of the singular they are all examples of rules that had shaky linguistic foundations to begin with.

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Splitting the infinitive changes the meaning, or makes it more ambiguous, which really defeats the purpose of a grammar or style rule meant to make communication clearer, as this post shows:

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In this example from Arnold Zwicky of Language Log, it’s even obligatory to split the infinitive as putting the adjunct outside the infinitive construction would render the sentence completely ungrammatical:

That doesn’t mean that all infinitives strictly have to be split whenever you may find them, no matter how awkwardly, just that it is a naturally occurring construction that can used without fear or moral panic,  depending on the linguistic context.

What’s the evidence that these rules are all hot air, besides the above examples? Who are we supposed to believe, if we can’t believe what we’ve been taught? If regular English speakers are regarded as not competent enough to determine what is ‘correct’ usage in their own language, who would be a better authority?

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It turns out, virtually all authoritative sources agree these rules are nonsense. We can consider the authority of historical texts before the advent of these pop grammar rules. Does historical record show that speakers were breaking these rules before they even existed? Yes. Or we can appeal to literary usage by expert wielders of the English language such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Austen, James Joyce, Mark Twain to name just a few. They’ve all had their fair share of grammatical ‘errors’. There are examples throughout the history of the English language of many of these grammar rules being blithely broken by speakers. Even the style guides of contemporary publications such as The Economist admit that “Happy the man who has never been told that it is wrong to split an infinitive: the ban is pointless. Unfortunately, to see it broken is so annoying to so many people that you should observe it.” Or as Geoffrey K. Pullum wryly translates it “this mythical and pointless prohibition against a natural syntactic construction has never been defended by any serious grammarian; but observe it anyway, because we’re scared of our readers.”

If you don’t believe the historical or literary data or style guides, perhaps a better authority would be the many linguists and grammarians, like Steven Pinker or Geoffrey K. Pullum, author of the Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, who have studied these prescriptive grammar rules using real language data. Or statisical corpora analysis which looks at the frequency of these grammatical constructions in even the most formal of publications. All of these sources have reached an uncontroversial consensus about the folk grammar rules that are still in heavy rotation today and that is they are frequently broken by respected sources. What on earth are these rules describing then? It seems these sources are not cheekily ‘breaking’ these never to be broken grammar rules, but simply using English correctly. Whether or not these invented rules ever had a place in the language, whether they ever described actual usage by speakers, they certainly do not really tell us how the English language is being used today.

What we have here is a contemporary situation in which most serious researchers agree on certain facts and trends, based on observable data over time, yet some persist in perpetuating an unsubstantiated myth from the last century. Blindly railing against these fictional grammatical horrors is beginning to look a lot like language change denial.

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Despite historical data, despite high prestige literary usage, despite contemporary linguistic evidence, it seems we haven’t really advanced much. If we are no longer hampered by the Victorian era’s

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Below are some of the best digital art making tools that teachers and students can use to create a wide varietyof educational artworks including beautiful graphics, icons, banners, brochures, posters, images, vector arts, modern fonts and many more.

Regardless of your drawing, sketching, and painting skills, these tools will definitely help you and your students unleash the creative gene within you. The list is not comprehensive and some powerful digital art makers such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are programmed for a future post.

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Pixilart is a free web based platformwhere you can draw and share your pixel art with a global community of art aficionados. More specifically, Pixilart enables you to create spritesfor games, icons, and many more.

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Some of its features include Layers to help you edit complicated images, Frames to help you create animated GIFs, Pixel Perfect helps you achieve clean stroke of line when drawing freehand, Stamps lets you add snippets of images created by other users in Pixilart community right into your own drawings, Text tool to add text to your artwork or you can create your own fonts, Dithering tool to create textures and patterns, Brush tool to create paint brush-like strikes, among others.

Pixilart is also available as a mobile app for Android and iOS devices. As a social platform for all ages, Pixilart reassures parents and teachers that the platform does not host any private messages and that all conversations are public and that swearing and spam filters are activated by default.

Another great digital art maker to use to create numerous forms of educational artwork including icons, logos, brochures, banners, and more. Vectr is basically a graphics editor which enables you to design and edit various vector graphics. It is available as a web based tool and a desktop application.

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Some of the powerful features it offers include an intuitive set of graphics tools, real-time collaboration, scaling designsto any size without losing clarity, import multiple files formats (e.g., SVG, PNG, JPEG), and many more.

As for the drawing tools you can work, these include a pen tool to create and modify curved and straightpaths, a freehand drawing tool to draw custom shapes, and more. Real-time collaboration is one of the strengthsof this platform. You can, for instance, use it with colleagues or students to work on the same Vectordocument simultaneously using a shareable URL.

This is a pretty basic digital art drawing tool from Google. AutoDraw integrates the power of machine learning with artworks from gifted artists to help users create beautiful drawings. AutoDraw is smart enough to provide you with suggestions on what you are trying to draw. This is particularlyan idealtool to use with students.

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It is simple and easy and works across different platforms and devices. No sign-ups or installation is required. You simply visit AutoDraw homepage and click on the Draw tool to start doodling. Choose your colours from the color picker, add text and shapes and when you are done share your digital artwork with others or download it as PNG.

Use Sketchbook to take your drawingexperience to the next level. The app provides you with a simulated pen and paper drawing experience that lets you easily sketch, draw and capture your creative thoughts.

Features provided include layers and blend modes, different brush types (e.g., pencils, markers, airbrushes, paint, smear, etc), numerous colouring schemes, dynamic symmetry (mirror your pen strokes to create intricate designs), smooth lines, natural interaction (highly responsive to stylus), and many more. Sketchbook is available for Mac, Windows, and also works on mobile devices (e.g., Android and iOS).

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Procreate is a powerful digital art maker that allows you to sketch, paint, and create 'expressive sketches, rich paintings, gorgeous illustrations and beautiful animations.' Some of the tools it provides include: different types of brushes (pencils, inks, artistic brushes, etc); the ability to download brushes or make your own using Brush Studio; several colour choices (includes Color Companion and Color Harmony tools); touch-based interface that is highly responsive to multi-touch gestures, accessibility features that include Single Touch Gestures, Feedback Sounds, and Color Descriptions; QuickShape (simply draw and QikShape turns it into a beautiful shape), and many more.

Image Pixelmator Pro is an image editing powerhouse exclusively built for Mac. You can edit the colors in your photos, remove unwanted objects, clone parts of your photos, lighten or darken specific areas, and many more.

You can also use the app's vector tools to create beautiful designs. Using the pre-made Smart Shapes, you will be able to add different shapes, arrows, and speech bubbles to your compositions.

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"The Arrange tool makes it incredibly easy to create designs. It lets you automatically select layers by clicking them on the canvas, intelligently snaps layers into position as you move them around, and even lets you align and distribute layers automatically."

Pixelmator Pro also provides a wide selection of handcrafted dual-texture brushes, full graphics tablet support, and sophisticated paint blending technologies. Additionally, you can use Pixelmator Pro to design pixel art.

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The app's integrated PixelTool is simple and easy to use. "It automatically lines up each pixel you place on the canvas, no matter how big or small the pixels are. Creating pixel-perfect art couldn’t be simpler."Digital Art websites. The following is a list of some cool drawing websites and of the top digital art creation programs that can be used by educators and students to produce a broad range of educational artworks such as stunning graphics, icons, banners, brochures, posters, pictures, vector arts, and many more. No matter how skilled you are at drawing, sketching, or painting, using these tools will undoubtedly assist you and your pupils in releasing the latent creative potential that lies inside. The list is not exhaustive; for example, sophisticated programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, which I will discuss in a subsequent article, are missing from the list.

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The followings are selections of Digital Art Websites free that teachers and students can use to explore creativity on artistic and aesthetic artwork. Using these digital art creators, learning activities can be so much fun and meaningful. Here are some of our recommendations.

These free websites for creating digital art vary from simple online tools designed for toddlers to complex software designed for high school students, teachers, and professionals. While some of these digital tools have the potential to serve as crucial components of traditional or online art creator education, all of them are enjoyable to investigate and play around with.

Use your web browser to collaborate in real time with your pals from anywhere in the world to create a drawing online. Start by creating a new canvas and then sending the URL to your collaborators so that you can all begin sketching together. Utilize the tool to create artwork of a whole painting with other artists, or use it as a simple sketchpad for group brainstorming or working on projects that need some visual help.

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Using this program, you and a buddy will now be able to indulge in the relaxing activity of sketching together, which is something you may have always wished you could do. Even if you are on opposite sides of the earth, you can still work together to create an image. You now where to create digital art.

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Kleki’s primary goal is to become the go-to application for rapidly producing entertaining artwork. It is possible for anybody to start sketching in less than a hundred milliseconds, and it is worldwide available via the browser without requiring any installation. Kleki is presently being developed and maintained by the programmer and artist bitbof. It is an open-source project that is sponsored by the community. This website views the process of creating art as a protected activity that should not have advertisements intruding upon it in any way.

There are so many websites for drawing, and KRITA is one of them. KRITA is a free, open-source digital painting software program that is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It has a concentration on illustration, concept art, matte painting, textures, comics, and animations. KRITA was developed as a labor of love. This fully functional, intricate digital application has comprehensive documentation, and it also features an active user community that facilitates sharing and cooperation. Excellent for art students at the higher level, art instructors, and art professionals.

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Krita is a wonderful tool that is available for free use and is excellent for creating digital artwork. It is possible to create anime drawings and other specialized digital art pictures with Krita, however the program may be best suited for more experienced teachers and students. Additionally, it is an excellent tool for educators to use for altering and hosting photographs for various school events.

Use digital artwork creator Pixilart. Pixilart is a website that enables users to make vintage pixel art, similar to the visuals of older video games. The service is free to use and enables users to upload and share their creations. Drawings are reviewed before being made available to the general public on the website, which promotes itself as a secure social network for users of all ages. Students have the ability to have

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Costs that contain both a variable and a fixed cost elements and change in total but not proportionately with changes in the activity level.

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Because the variable cost per unit equals the slope of the straight line, the steeper the slope, the _______ the variable cost per unit.higherMarginal RevenueThe revenue obtained from selling on additional unit of product.Manufacturing costs include:direct materials, direct labor, manufacturing overheadDirect Costa cost that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specified cost objectIndirect Costa cost that cannot be easily and conveniently traced to a specified cost objectDirect MaterialsMaterials that become an important component of the finished product whose cost can be easily and conveniently traced to the finished product.Fixed Costs examples:Factory Rent Administrative salaries Factory InsuranceSunk Costs- costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered. - Never relevant and should be disregarded when making decisions.Indirect MaterialsSmall items of material such as glue and nails that may be an integral part of a finished product, but whose costs cannot be easily or conveniently traced to it.Touch LaborAlso known as Direct LaborManufacturing overheadincludes all manufacturing costs except direct materials and direct labor (indirect materials and indirect labor are examples)Within the relevant range of activity, fixed costs:remain constant in total, and the average per unit decreases with more activity, and increases with less activity.Cost Objects include- customers - organizational subunits - anything for which cost data is desiredCost Behaviorthe way in which a cost reacts to changes in the level of activitydiscretionary fixed costsFixed costs that can be changed relatively easily at management discretion without significant damage to a company's long-term goals.Committed fixed costsrepresent organizational investments with a multiyear planning horizon that can't be significantly reduced even for short periods of time without making fundamental changesContribution Approach to Income StatementAn income statement format that organizes costs by their behavior. Costs are separated into variable and fixed categories rather than being separated into product and period costs for external reporting purposes. - Aids in decision making.Contribution Margin- The amount remaining from sales revenues after all variable expenses have been deducted. - This amount contributes to covering fixed expenses and profits for the period.Indirect Labor CostsLabor costs that cannot be physically traced to production of a product or service; included as part of overhead. (Factory security guards wages, assembly-line supervisor's salary)Within the relevant range of activity, variable costs:Total variable cost increases and decreases in proportion to changes in activity level; Per unit costs remain constantStraight-line Equation for Mixed CostsY = a + bX Y = Total Mixed Cost a = Total Fixed Cost b = Variable cost per unit of activity X = Level of ActivityCost of Goods Soldbeginning inventory + purchases - ending inventoryProduct Costdirect materials + direct labor + manufacturing overheadPeriod Costselling expenses + administrative expensesConversion CostDirect Labor + Manufacturing Overhead The direct labor and overhead costs incurred to change raw materials into finished products.Prime CostDirect Materials + Direct LaborVariable Manufacturing Costdirect materials + direct labor + variable manufacturing overheadTotal Fixed Costfixed manufacturing overhead + fixed selling expense + fixed administrative expenseCommon Activity Bases include:- Machine Hours - Units Sold - Direct Labor HoursRaw Materialsany materials that go into the final productCommon Costa type of indirect cost that is incurred to support a number of cost objects but cannot be traced to them individuallyDifferences between traditional and contribution format income statements:- Traditional income statements focus on cost classifications. Product and Period costs. - Contribution format statements focus on cost behavior. Distinction between fixed and variable costs. - Compared to traditional statements, contribution format statements provide management with a tool to make decision making easier.Prior to being recorded on the income statement, manufacturers' product costs flow through:- Work in Process - Raw Materials - Finished GoodsStep-variable costs- tend to be fixed over a fairly narrow range of activity and rise in multiple steps across the relevant range. - can be adjusted quickly as conditions change. - may include total salaried employee expense.Cost Structurethe relative proportion of fixed, variable, and mixed costs in an organizationAs the level of activity moves outside of the relevant range, _______ _______ increase or decrease in discrete steps rather than a linear fashion.fixed costsFactory burden is a synonym forManufacturing OverheadDifferential costs, opportunity costs, and sunk costs are all cost classifications used in _______ _______.Decision making.True or False: Presenting fixed costs on an average per unit basis makes them look like they are variable costs.True.Period costs are always expensed on the income statement in the period in which ___________.they are incurred. (Matching principle)Differential costA future cost that differs between any two alternatives. Also known as incremental cost.Manufacturing costsdirect materials, direct labor, manufacturing overheadProduct Costs- "attach" to units of product as they are purchased for resale or produced. - are also called inventoriable costs. -Direct Materials + Direct Labor + Manufacturing OverheadFive Purposes of Cost Classifications- Assigning costs to cost objects. - Accounting for costs in manufacturing companies. - Preparing financial statements. - Predicting cost behavior in response to changes in activity. - Making decisions.Traditional Income StatementSales Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Margin - Selling & General and Administrative Expenses = Net Income from OperationsContribution Income StatementSales Revenue - Variable Costs (CoGS, Var Selling, Var Admin) = Contribution Margin - Fixed Costs (Fixed Selling & Admin) = Net Income

Accounting Chapter 5

Identify the normal balance for each of the following accounts. Choose Dr for Debit; Cr for Credit. Normal balance E. Common StockThese are the starting point of the accounting system. They include sales, purchases, expenses, payment in and out of the bank account and small cash (petty cash) transactions

These documents are generated by the financial transactions, for example - an invoice (for a sale), a credit Note (for returned goods), a cheque (for a payment), a petty cash voucher (for a small payment)

This is the third stage, financial documents are recorded in the books of prime entry for example SDB, PBD, SRDB, PRDB, PC, Cash, DA, DR, Journal. A place in the books of a business where a financial transaction is recorded for the first time

Chapter 6 Flashcards

These are the General Ledger, Sales Ledger and Purchase Ledger. These books are written up from the books of prime entry. The ledger accounts are normally double-entry accounts. Two entries are made in the accounts for each transaction - a debit entry and a credit entry

The balances of the ledger accounts are transferred to the trial balance which is both a checking device and also a source of accounting information for the business owners and managers

Accounting~ Quiz 1 Flashcards - Digital Art Quizlet Accounting Chapter 1 Quizlet

The Statement of Profit or Loss and the Statement of Financial Position are extracted from the accounts of a business on a regular basis

Learning Tools, Flashcards, And Textbook Solutions

A cash sales is a sale where payment is made straightaway. A credit sale is a sales where payment is made at a later date.

Double-entry bookkeepingBookkeepers record all transactions in two places so they can check one list of transactions against the other for accuracy.Trade receivablesA credit customers who owes the business moneyTrade payablesA credit supplier who the business owes moneyAssetsItems owned by the businessLiabilitieswhat a company owesCapitalThe investment made into the business by the owner(s) of the business

Accounting Chapter 1 Flashcards - Digital Art Quizlet Accounting Chapter 1 Quizlet

Insert all necessary punctuation in the following sentence. Correct any incorrect punctuation. Do not break the sentence into two sentences. We formerly depended on fixed-rate not variable rate mortgages.

Acct 201 Midterm Flashcards

Fill in the blanks with the term that best completes the statement. A type of car insurance that covers your liability for injury to other persons is called ____.A business owned by one person. The most common form of business. Benefits from tax advantages (business isn't taxed, but the owners are. Limited lifetime.

Shared control with owners (2-thousands of owners). Benifits from broadened skill-sharing. Business is not taxed, but the owners are. Not legal entity. Limited lifetime.

MacroEconomics Midterm Flashcards - Digital Art Quizlet Accounting Chapter 1 Quizlet

Legal Entity. As few as one owner, but typically has many owners. Stockholders are the owners of the company as they hold stocks as evidence of their ownership. Taxes are on both the business and the owners. Unlimited life until formerly dissolved. Corperation is the dominate organizational form in terms of VOLUME in business activity in the US and other countries. Selling ownership through stocks is easy.

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How does a business get the money to operate? Debt Financing and Equity Financing -Repay a loan from a bank. -Repurchase shares of stock from stockholders.

Businesses borrow money from the bank (also called CREDITORS) through bonds to obtain nessisary funds to do whatever project they have underway. They must then pay their creditors the principle (their oringinal amount of money borowed) and some interest fees.

Chapter 4: Accrual Accounting Concepts Diagram - Digital Art Quizlet Accounting Chapter 1 Quizlet

Involves selling shares of stocks to investors (owners) who then take partial ownership of the company. These owners hope to see their stocks grow as the business does and even get some dividends when the business is flourishing and wants to distribute some of their net income.

Accounting Test 1 Prep (part 2: Chapter 13) Flashcards

Business needs to buy resources to run on a day-to-day basis. Also includes Supportive investments such as land, buildings, and equipment.

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Artists and illustrators have a new super-tool in their arsenal - Drawing Apps. Tech-savvy creatives are switching from paper to digital and reaping the benefits that drawing apps and art apps offer - powerful drawing tools, special effects, the ability to create vectors or raster images, and even 3D models.

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Best FREE Drawing Apps To Draw Digital Art (2023) - Free Apps For Making Digital Art Style

We have curated a list of the 47best free and paid drawing apps for 2023 to express your ideas in the form of digital art.

Turn Photos Into Paintings

No list of digital art apps would be complete without listing offerings of Adobe drawing apps. Adobe has led the pack for decades, and Adobe Photoshop is still the professional's choice for raster art creation. Photoshop is one of the best drawing apps for iPad, Mac and PC; they also provide accessory apps for mobile devices and tablets.

The biggest drawback of Adobe’s offerings, especially for beginners, is that you must purchase a subscription to use these drawing apps for computers. For established pros with stable cash flow, this presents a little problem, but for aspiring amateurs and beginners, there are plenty of good editing apps that offer good functionality at a fraction of the cost.

If you’re looking for a drawing app that combines the ease and simplicity of drawing on your mobile device with the power of Adobe Photoshop, check out Photoshop Sketch. When combined with your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, Photoshop Sketch allows you to fine-tune images created on your tablet later on your computer.

Reasons To Use Digital Art Software

Just as Photoshop is the industry-standard drawing app for iPad, PC and MacOs for raster pictures, Illustrator is the go-to digital art app for vector art. Illustrator is used to creating everything from basic graphic design tasks like logos to elaborate and beautiful landscapes and portrait photos. With a little practice, you can make nearly anything into a vector in Illustrator.

Similar to Photoshop Sketch, but for vector drawing, Illustrator Draw, a great drawing app for iPad, allows you to create vector drawings on the go easily. You can then save them to your creative cloud account and fine-tune them in the full program later. Both Photoshop Sketch and Illustrator Draw are free downloads, but if you want to export the images for later editing, you’ll need a Creative Cloud subscription.

Sketchbook from Autodesk is one of the most robust raster drawing apps you will find. Compared to Photoshop, Sketch is a purpose-built platform for artists on the go. It’s not meant for photo editing or other tasks, so the program focuses on just what you need to draw on your tablet easily. The program is available for Macs, PCs, iOS, and Android devices. Unlike many drawing apps that stick to proprietary or generic formats, Sketchbook conveniently has the option to export to Photoshop PSD format with layers intact. The best part? Autodesk has now released the full-featured drawing app for free. There are plenty of completelyalternatives to Photoshophere are the best.

The 6 Best Free Apps To Turn Photos Into Art And Paintings

A full-featured vector editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Create your own vector artor use built-in graphics to craft original scenes from pre-made elements. A perfect tool for those who work with visuals for social media, content marketing, ads, etc. The app is 100% free. Built-in graphics are free for a link.

An online graphic app that lets everyone create awesome visuals without special skills and costly design software. Use templates or create your own illustrations from pre-made elements (including 3Ds!). Or quickly make up custom photos that look like real. The app's gallery features thousands of cutout photos of diverse people, objects, and animals. Drop them on them on the canvas, combine with a proper background, and your photo is good to go. Working in Mega Creator is like playing a graphic lego.

Sketchpad is a free drawing application, to create stunning digital art, suited for all ages. You can easily share your work online and export it in various formats like JPEG, PNG, SVG and PDF. Sketchpad is available for download on both PC and Mac.

The Best Drawing Apps And Digital Art Apps For Every Skill Level - Free Apps For Making Digital Art Style

The 10 Best Drawing And Painting Apps For Android

The Astropad Studio is a different sort of art app that can be a great help to folks looking to create digital drawings. For Mac and iPad users, Studio allows you to connect your iPad wirelessly to your desktop and use it as if it were a drawing tablet. The interface is pretty smooth, but make sure you have a clean system with plenty of free memory to avoid lag. You’ll also want a great stylus like the Apple Pencil.

The Affinity set of art apps is poised to take a significant bite out of Adobe’s market share. These programs are full-featured to the point of having things you have to buy aftermarket in Adobe. Designer is Affinity’s answer to Illustrator. It is a desktop vector art program with every feature you could ever want and one of the best drawing apps for Apple computers. Designer is available for Mac desktop or iPad.

Affinity is also ready to answer your raster art needs. Photo by Affinity is analogous to Photoshop. Its user interface is a bit smoother, however, with cleaver skin changes based on the type of task you’re looking to complete.

The Best Drawing Apps And Digital Art Apps For Every Skill Level

Both Affinity apps are inexpensive when compared to Photoshop and Illustrator. If you’re looking for a great drawing app for iPad and one that is a digital art application for editing or raster drawing, look no further than Photo and Photo for iPad.

For all the painters out there, Inspire Pro turns your iPad into the ultimate painting canvas. This is one of those simple raster drawing apps that can produce some really fantastic artwork thanks to super realistic brushes and massive canvas sizes. You can download Inspire Pro from the Apple App Store.

Top Drawing Apps And Software In 2023 (Free & Paid) - Free Apps For Making Digital Art Style

A few key features make Medibang’s apps the best drawing app for some artists. The app is available on any platform you can think of, from Windows and Mac desktops to Apple and Android tablets. They all have a cloud feature, which allows you to easily store, share, and open your work from any device. This is one of the best free drawing apps you really should check out if you are looking at an affordable and easy way to start drawing.

The Best Digital Art Software Of 2023

Procreate is an iOS-only app designed to fully harness the power of Apple’s popular iPad Pro and Apple Pencil combination. More than just a drawing app, Procreate combines many of the powerful tools you’d expect to find in a much more robust program like Photoshop. Layers, custom brushes, and all sorts of special effects are available on your tablet. You can export images, with intact layers, straight to PSD format to open in Photoshop. It is a popular drawing app for iPad for 2021. For on-the-go art, check out the drawing app iPhone version as well.

Zen Brush is a simple ink brush app for mobile devices. A drawing app for free, it’s super inexpensive and fun to use, but it is pretty limited. However, ink and paper are limiting too, but that hasn’t stopped artists from making amazing artworks with them for the last thousand years.

Pixelmator Pro is a Mac OS app that combines many features and functions of the best editing apps all into one tidy app. Pixelmator features many of the best features for drawing and the standard top photo editing apps functions of other editors. It also features a "layouting" mode for publishing and graphic design work. Their iOS app for mobile is really more of a photo editor rather than an art app.

The 9 Best Drawing And Painting Apps For Digital Artists

Those in the graphic design world know that there’s a lot more to digital art creation beyond hand sketching. Illustrator and other vector programs use shapes to “assemble” designs, and this is the idea beyond the Assembly app. By simplifying this process, the app allows users to create logos and design elements with ease quickly. Assembly is made for iOS devices.

The 6 Best Free Apps To Turn Photos Into Art And Paintings - Free Apps For Making Digital Art Style

Formerly iDraw, Graphic is a full-featured vector design program for Mac, iPhone, or iPad. The program has all of the features of its more popular competitors, and it allows for the creation of anything from portraits to technical layout and CAD style drawings.

Inkist is a super basic drawing app that is available for Mac computers and iOS devices. The mobile app is currently free. It’s not flashy, but it has all the right features to make your artwork pop.

Best Apps To Turn A Photo Into Painting In 2023 (updated)

Luckyclan’s ArtStudio is a full-featured raster art app for iPad or iPhone. It features multiple canvas sizes, layers with masks, over 400 brushes, unlimited undo/redo, and even over 40 filters.

Rizer’s Pixaki has a bit of a limited audience, but if you’re into pixel art, you’re going to love it. Export your